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Der Kaffeeklatsch-Thread - Die Fotostandards von AP

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Wer kann näheres dazu sagen? Und vor allem, wer kennt die Fotostandards von AP? 

Die internationale Presse hat ein von Herzogin (Prinzessin) Kate bearbeitetes Familienbild mit der Begründung zurückgezogen, es entspräche nicht den Fotostandards von AP. Der Verdacht der Manipulation (Bildbearbeitung) steht im Raum.


bearbeitet von shepherd
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Ich hab's gefunden:

Associated Press
Code of Ethics for Photojournalists
AP pictures must always tell the truth. We do not alter or digitally manipulate the content of a photograph in any way.
The content of a photograph must not be altered in Photoshop or by any other means. No element should be digitally
added to or subtracted from any photograph. The faces or identities of individuals must not be obscured by Photoshop or
any other editing tool. Only retouching or the use of the cloning tool to eliminate dust on camera sensors and scratches on
scanned negatives or scanned prints are acceptable.
Minor adjustments in Photoshop are acceptable. These include cropping, dodging and burning, conversion into gray-
scale, and normal toning and color adjustments that should be limited to those minimally necessary for clear and accurate
reproduction (analogous to the burning and dodging previously used in darkroom processing of images) and that restore
the authentic nature of the photograph. Changes in density, contrast, color and saturation levels that substantially alter
the original scene are not acceptable. Backgrounds should not be digitally blurred or eliminated by burning down or by
aggressive toning. The removal of “red eye” from photographs is not permissible.
When an employee has questions about the use of such methods or the AP’s requirements and limitations on photo
editing, he or she should contact a senior photo editor prior to the transmission of any image.
On those occasions when we transmit images that have been provided and altered by a source — the faces obscured, for
example — the caption must clearly explain it. Transmitting such images must be approved by a senior photo editor.
Except as described herein, we do not stage, pose or re-enact events. When we shoot video,
environmental portraits, or photograph subjects in a studio care should be taken to avoid, misleading
viewers to believe that the moment was spontaneously captured in the course of gathering the news. In the cases of
portraits, fashion or home design illustrations, any intervention should be revealed in the
caption and special instructions box so it can¹t be mistaken as an attempt to deceive.

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